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This Jewish Mother Was Arrested After Her Baby Tragically Dies in Hot Car


As the weather gets warmer,life can get even scarier for parents — what with ticks,sunburns,and countless othersummertime threats.对于许多父母来说,however,the most dangerous thing can be our own absent-mindedness.当我们很热的时候,感到头脑分散是完全可以理解的,过度疲劳,and managing the schedules of several kids,but it can unfortunately have deadly consequences.

查雅·舒尔金,一位来自莱克伍德的25岁母亲,新泽西州,现在正面临这样一个悲剧:她21个月大的孩子在5月被留在车里两个半小时后死亡。She's since beenchargedwith endangering the welfare of a child — a second-degree crime.

When the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office posted a press release about this on苹果beplayFacebook,many were quick to condemn Shurkin,with some commenters saying she should be tried for manslaughter,or even murder.Some angry commenters wrote — horrifically — that the mother should also be put to death in a hot car.

相当多的评论家转而反对犹太主义,saying the reason Shurkin did not receive a more serious charge was because,正如他们假设的那样,she was from Lakewood's ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.Some mentioned money coming from Israel,others used stereotypes about Jewish women being subservient and uneducated.

Many of the commenters seemed to believe that Shurkin was getting away with a lesser charge because she was Jewish.

事实是,however,that in around40%of heatstroke deaths in the U.S.,根本没有提出任何指控。据国家安全委员会称,2007年至2017年期间,只有约17.4%的中暑死亡导致被告父母或看护人入狱。

2018年,52 kidsdied in hot cars in the U.S.  — that's the most recorded deaths in over two decades.Shurkin的女儿今年是第六个死亡,with 11 deaths recorded so远的. The majority of these deaths happen to children under 3 and when the parent unwittingly leaves the child in the car.Heatstroke deaths have become more frequent since in the early 1990s,when it was firstrecommendedto put children's car seats in the back seat,due to risk from airbags.About half of heatstroke deaths happen to children在下面1,whose seats are rear-facing and therefore even harder to see.Now,有了新的建议,让你的孩子在2岁之前都能面朝后,我们需要提高警惕。

Interestingly,在里面以色列,these cases aren't usually tried,since after numerousinvestigations,the parents are usually found to be normative,caring parents who made a mistake.另外,many believe that losing a child is punishment enough for any parents.Because here's the thing: Whether or not Shurkin is found guilty,she and her husband will have to live with this awful loss for the rest of their lives.

如果报告是真的,Shurkin's child was forgotten in the car because of a misunderstanding between her parents: each one of the parents thought the other was going to take the child out.As parents,我们都知道这类沟通失误会发生的频率-你和你的搭档认为对方会为昨晚的晚餐解冻剩菜,所以你多久才订购一次送货?

但与这些工作上的误解不同,即使在微热的温度下,all it takes is 10 to 20 minutes for a car to变得致命对于婴儿来说。一两小时之内,车内的温度几乎可以翻倍外部.

If,as a parent,读完这场悲剧后,你感到心碎和恐惧,know that there are ways to help prevent these deaths.Here are some techniques:

  • Leave an important object,like a cellphone,一个钱包,或者你的钥匙,in the backseat.
  • 在你的手机上设置一个提醒,在每次乘车结束时检查你的孩子。
  • Take off a shoe and put it in the back seat with your child,if that is a safe option for you.
  • 你可以放一个plush或者当孩子不在座位上的时候,在他们的汽车座位上放一个玩具,只要他们坐在座位上,就把它移到前面。The toy will serve as a reminder that your child is in the back.
  • Be extra vigilant with every change of routine,就像另一个人在营地下车一样,或者如果你特别缺乏睡眠。
  • Never leave your child alone in a hot car,即使10分钟也不行。
  • 如果您的孩子没有下车,请让您的托儿服务提供者给您打电话。
  • Make sure to always lock the car doors after you've ascertained that everyone is out of the car and that your car keys are in a place that is inaccessible to children.Some heat stroke cases happen when kids climb into cars and accidentally lock themselves in them when the parent isn't paying attention.
  • There are some gadgets that can help you keep your child safe,likeSensorsafeElepho.
  • 如果你使用以色列导航软件waze,您可以设置提醒,在每次行程结束时检查您的汽车。

一些不起作用的事情:根据Consumer Reports,比如保持车窗打开,parking in the shade,或者有一辆颜色较浅的车在调节车内温度方面也没有什么区别。

So keep an eye on your kids,and on hot days,记住要留心停在车里的孩子。It was a neighbor who discovered and tried to resuscitate Shurkin's kid,and it's possible that they might have been able to save the child if they had found her sooner.

Our heart breaks for the loss of this child.May we all be vigilant this summer.


Posted byOcean County Prosecutor's Officeon星期一,June 17,2019

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