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I've taught my kids a lot things.我教他们如何系鞋带,如何使用叉子,如何使用厕所,and to say "please" and "thank you." I taught them how to write a thank you note — and a pretty damn good one at that.

I taught them how to craft a thesis sentence,如何在他们的头脑中编造谜语,以记忆晦涩词汇的定义或难以记忆的考试日期。我教他们如何紧紧地握着一个人的手,在他们这样做的时候看着他的眼睛。我教他们如何说“我爱你”,并且要有意义。

These are all important things to know.但问题是:我的孩子taught me比我教的还要多。It's not even close.

我儿子教我一些职业体育的规则,这对我来说终于有意义了。He taught me about downs,码数增加了,and about why a football team would choose to kick a field goal instead of going for the touchdown.He patiently explained to me why basketball players intentionally foul one another.在我有孩子之前,我什么都不知道。但又一次,在我有孩子之前,我不知道如何坐在一个真正的,活着的人,就在那里——就在同一个空间里共存。

My 14-year-old son has taught me how to sit down,保持安静,一句话也不说,我过去认为“什么都不做”的行为实际上就是一件事。在一个星期天下午或星期四晚上,当比赛在我们面前的电视上播出时,大约一个小时后,我们什么都不做,我儿子会走到我的沙发边,给我一个拥抱,有时甚至告诉我他爱我。我知道他是认真的。感觉像是什么。

我12岁的女儿教我如何用一团粘土做一个小菜。她和我坐在陶轮上看着我旋转,mold,沮丧地切开泥土——我的手越来越脏,我的碗一分钟就变得越来越畸形。她的小手指引着我的大手。她告诉我这道菜不一定要完美很可能不完美,生活并不完美,要么。我深知这一点,但有时(好吧,quite often) I need a reminder.是她给我的。

我很确定最重要的事情我的孩子教会了我is that they are not me.我女儿有我的蓝色,杏仁状的眼睛;我儿子脸上的雀斑跟我的差不多。I can't help but smile whenever someone comments on these physical similarities — that's my ego kicking in,我想。但我女儿总是很快提醒我,这些相似之处来自科学,from the randomness of genes and how they fall into the Punnett Square,她去年在学校学到的,然后向我解释。I knew that,too,但我再一次需要提醒。

我的孩子有时会让我想起我和丈夫。My daughter is super organized like me and almost as chatty.My son has my husband's dry sense of humor and his laid-back,go with the flow attitude.但通常情况下,they remind me of no one.They remind me that they are themselves;they are each their own unique human being.They do not necessarily do things the way I did them when I was their age — nor do they do things the way I want them to do them,or perhaps think I want them to do them.

我不能说他们的方式,their opinions,their thought processes,their character traits are any better or worse than mine.他们只是他们自己的人——这真是太不可思议了。

我从看着他们以自己的方式做事中学到了很多东西,比如当我女儿选择不去参加聚会时,我在她这个年纪肯定会去参加。或者当我的儿子让挫折从他的背上滚下来的时候,我真的做不到。很难看到他们是谁,他们正在变成谁,warts and all.They impress me.他们让我吃惊。他们使我沮丧。他们挑战我,有时让我发疯。



The opinions expressed here are the personal views of the author.评论被缓和,所以用你内心的声音,别毛手毛脚,不,我们对草药补充剂不感兴趣。
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