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Traditional Sephardic food prepared for the celebration of Vijita

波托马克,MD - 9月9日:朋友聚集在东欧,土耳其和以色列的遗产中分享一顿传统的象形虫食品,然后唱歌,由麦子雅加达,离开和石南花吐在中提琴达格比巴和故事讲述在2012年9月9日星期日Potomac的Shoshana和Dave Segal的家中,(照片由Dayna Smith为华盛顿邮政通过Getty Images

Jewish communities across Europe lost so much during the大屠杀— so many lives, so many religious centers, so many traditions, and so much history.

Singer and songwriter Flory Jagoda, who消失了on Friday, January 29 at age 97, spent her entire life fighting to not let that history be lost. And she did so with beautiful, evocative Sephardic Jewish music.

雅加达,谁在前夕去世Shabbat Shirah- 我们阅读的“歌曲的Shabbat”Parashat Beshalach, in the Torah portion in which we chant “The Song of the Sea” — was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia in 1923. At the time, the city was known by some as “Chico Yerushalayim“”小耶路撒冷,“因为它充满了如此多的象征难民,这些难民已经从西班牙几个世纪被驱逐出来。Jagoda的家人搬到了佛罗里尼亚州的小镇,她在那里长大了Ladino在家里和Serbo-croatian之外。

Her Jewish community was almost entirely wiped away by the Holocaust — and with it, centuries of rich Sephardic culture.

Jagoda, who settled in the U.S. after the war, made it her life’s mission to be the “keeper of the flame” — helping to revive and preserve Sephardic and Ladino culture by singing the songs she knew from her grandmother, a folksinger. She also widely shared her family’s stories and traditions, and she created a trove of new, deeply Jewish, and emotional songs in her mother tongue,Ladino.

“I came to American with a suitcase full of memories,” Jagoda said at a talk at theoral history for the Library of Congress in 2014, “and I made them into songs.”

Jagoda wove her way into mainstream Jewish culture with her 1983 song“Ochos Kandelikas,”which was evenperformedby Sephardic Broadway legend Idina Menzel.

由她自己的账户,雅加达,他们的全名是普罗兰帕诺克·克比里奥·雅加达,有一个田园诗般的童年 - 与她的穆斯林和基督教邻居一起共存,被一个充满爱的犹太家庭,阿尔塔拉斯包围。

It was only when the Nazis took over Bosnia, making Jews wear yellow stars on their lapels, that she realized how different she was from her neighbors — and how much she had to fear as a Jew. One particularly painful memory was when her beloved accordion teacher when he first noticed her Jewish star: “No, you are not one of those,” she recalled her teacher saying. “Go home!”

Jagoda recounted this story at the Holocaust Museum, her eyes brimming with tears. “This hit it,” she said. “Not the house, neighbors, none of that. It’s theharmoniku[the Serbian word for accordion].”

Jagoda逃到了亚得里亚海岸上的克罗地亚城市分裂,带着她唯一的手风琴。她一直在玩 - 甚至教导了他人如何在整个战争中玩它。从克罗地亚,她的家人越过意大利的地中海到巴里。去巴里是一个新的生活的开始:“我们来到巴里的海岸,我们看到葡萄篮子的女性,”Jagoda说。

它在意大利,为美国军队工作,她遇到了她的丈夫,哈里杰卡托,一名美国军士。当他来到他们的第一次约会时,当然,当然,必须被Jagoda的父母陪伴 - 他看到她的家人正在庆祝Rosh Hashanah。那是当他意识到他们都是犹太人:Jagoda属于来自波兰的Ashkenazi家族,这些家庭在俄亥俄州定居。他们是由一只来自那不勒斯的rabbi结婚,并作为新婚夫妇搬到俄亥俄州。他们有三个孩子 - 与谁一起往往会表演 - 和六个孙子。哈利于2014年去世。

Jagoda的歌曲是一种保护和庆祝她母语的美丽的方式,以及她犹太社区的丰富的家族文化。以全部为中心的是犹太女性 - 特别是nonas(grandmothers)and thetias(aunts).

She sang about the joy of being a grandmother and makingburekawith her grandson, Ian, in the songChico Laniko(最近对kveller进行了哪个sarah aroeste苹果beplay犹太新年). She celebrated Jewish traditions and holidays with magical songs about Shabbat, Purim, and Hanukkah, to name but a few. With her tunes, she invoked the flavors of her youth, from halva to baklava.

Her beautifulLadinolullaby, “Durme, Durme,” (“Sleep, Sleep”) is one worth incorporating into any Jewish mother’s ritual:

Her songs were also songs of pain and grief. Like “Saray de Oro,” (“Sarajevo of Gold”),about the pain of watching the destruction of her city of birth.

She firmly believed that songwriters needed to put their heart into their music. “I’m very lucky that I can express myself through a song,” Jagoda said in that same 2014interview, about her melancholic songs. “I will not cry, I hate crying.”

Jagoda kept performing and writing songs well into her 90s. Her vibrant spirit, her mellifluous voice, her depth of feeling were deeply infused in all she did.

In her honor, I’d like to suggest that we make her beautiful music a part of our homes. Let us read to our childrenThe Key from Spaina gorgeous picture book based on her life — and watch her tellher story to the library of Congress. May her memory, and her music, be a blessing, always.

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