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These Boys Wore Skirts Because Their School Banned Shorts & It’s So Awesome


Every school has a dress code, regardless of whether’s a private or public school. Some dress codes, however, should be broken. I say this as a former teacher who had to actually enforce policies–but why, for instance, would a school ban shorts in hot weather? That just seems cruel.

For the schoolboys at Isca Academy in Exeter, UK, they protested their school’s ban on shorts by showing up to school in skirts, according toDevon Live.How brilliant. Where they did get the idea from? One of the teachers who joked about it once. Many parents have also complained about the school’s old-fashioned policy. One mom, Clare Reeves,stated:

“The weather has been so hot recently and it’s got to the point where my son is suffering.

I have called the school several times and they have told me that if I send my son to school in shorts then he will be sent to the isolation room all day and if I keep him off school then it’ll be an unauthorised absence.”

这条裙子抗议佤邦s captured, of course, ina Facebook Live videobyDevon Live’sColleen Smith. According toMashable, one boy was told to take the skirt off because he had “hairy legs,” while another boy said he liked the “nice breeze” the skirt gave him.

It seems, sadly, the school is hesitant to rethink its policy. Aimee Mitchell, the school’s headteacher,released a statementexplaining it would “consider changing its uniform policy,” stating:

“Shorts are not currently part of our uniform for boys and I would not want to make any changes without consulting both students and their families.”

It seems to me like the students and their families already made it clear what they want.

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