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迎接第一个华裔美国拉比,杰奎琳伙伴 - Matin

拉比队的照片 - 果实

拉比雅克奎琳队友 - 大床是一个犹太人的崛起。除了成为老人rabbi.在寺庙西奈,加利福尼亚州奥克兰的改革犹太教堂。和四个妈妈,伙伴 - 果实正在制作历史第一个中美rabbi

An alum of Hebrew Union College, where she wrote a master’s thesis entitled “The Analects of Confucius and Its Parallel in Early Rabbinic Thought,” Mates-Muchin is committed to helping established Jewish institutions become more inclusive, drawing upon her unique experience as a member of “two peoples, two traditions“。

苹果beplayKveller在旧金山的成长队聊天,在旧金山的成长,她的家人在犹太旅程中的积分作用以及细微差别反种生主义work within the Jewish community.

This interview has been condensed and lightly edited.


我喜欢这项研究of Judaismand study of religion, in general. I had thought about going into academia, and my dad actually suggested that I think about the rabbinate. I think that came from just wanting to be with people, with practitioners of the tradition. It’s really a rewarding way to move through life.

We [rabbis] get to spend really meaningful moments with people, some of the most significant moments. And, on a regular basis, we are able to wrestle with what’s most important, what is our purpose, and how we找到意义在我们身上发生的事情。它使我能够非常深思地对自己的目的感和我自己想要生活意味着的意义。

What are some of your favorite Jewish memories from your childhood?




My dad’s family came over来自奥地利, in the late 1930s; they fled Nazi Europe.

The Chinese side of my family came over to the U.S. in the 1800s, so it’s actually been here for much longer than the European side of the family. But there, too, is a lot of history, a lot of generations in San Francisco.

My parents were very clear, all the time, that we were super lucky that we came from two really rich, really ancient traditions. And for us, the two didn’t clash. It never clashed; it was just kind of seamless. Aspects of both traditions place a lot of focus on family. My parents usually talked about the focus on family and focus论教育在相似之处方面,但我也认为这些人也是我家庭的相似之处。


In a recent interview, you said you had some challenging experiences with your Jewish peers growing up — sometimes people didn’t believe you were Jewish. And now you’re a Jewish leader. How does your past experience in Jewish communities help shape your leadership today?

I think one of the most compelling aspects of Judaism is the sense of belonging — belonging to a community, belonging to a people through time and space, that we all taste a little bit of eternity, because we can see ourselves as a part of this Jewish continuum that goes back thousands of years and will go forward thousands of years. Those kinds of things that were said to me, that’s what challenges that feeling [of belonging], and I think the problem is, it’s so essential to Judaism. So, I want to make sure that my community, and the Jewish community, gives the opportunity for everyone to feel that归属感,这种认识感是,这是他们是谁,而且他们是那个连续体的一部分。

我认为我的经历给了我一种敏感性 - 至少,对于已经有的人类似的experiences关于种族。我希望我能让我谦虚地认识到有很多人们觉得它们被隔离和排斥的地区,我总是必须开放。我们总是必须开放,听听人们看到自己的方式。在犹太教中,人们如何理解自己的身份变化,以及人们觉得有时他们的方式被推出和边缘化。当涉及到归属时,我们没有完成。我们必须开放,以便我们继续学习我们的社区是谁,我们继续扩大这种观点。


My parents were key. I remember them sharing that people might说奇怪的事情to me. That they might say something that’s problematic, that some people will question whether or not my mom was Jewish, or question me because they’re not accustomed to seeing Chinese Jews — or not accustomed to seeing看起来像我们家庭的人作为犹太社区的一部分。但那是他们的limitation. That doesn’t actually mean anything about whether or not we actually belong. And I think that because they gave me those tools ahead of time, when I did encounter it, I didn’t question myself. While it could still be painful, it didn’t make me ask myself whether or not I actually belonged.

我觉得有时候,作为父母,我们想要掩护我们的孩子,我们希望希望其中一些事情不会发生在他们身上。也许不会有any bullieson the playground this time, or maybe there won’t be adults who will say inappropriate things to children. But I think because my parents gave me the tools ahead of time, I was shielded from questioning my own identity later on.



我看到的主要幸军之一是这是新的。我认为这并不突然,我们需要深入欢迎大家 - 这是我们意识到我们需要认识到我们的社区is, and who our communityhas been。它不是全新的,突然我们家庭的种族多样性。突然我们有同性夫妻和家庭并不是新的。我们有人并不是新的谁被残疾。这一切都不是新的。这只是人们正在以不同的方式考虑它并以不同的方式谈论。所以我认为任何说我们必须“欢迎多元化”是一个错误;我认为我们正在做的是认识到我们areas a Jewish community.

What do you love about being Jewish right now?

这很有趣 - 对我来说,我认为它来自于经验是双人的。我认为犹太教是在很多不同的群体之间;我认为我们可以基于我们在社会中的地点和我们所拥有的经验的地方看到许多不同类型的争论的大量方面。我认为,即使现在,围绕特权的对话与很多犹太人共鸣。还有很多犹太人在周围有经验反犹太主义。但那是just one piece of the story, that says that we have insights in lots of different places, we can see things from lots of different perspectives. That’s what we get in the Talmud too, right? We always have the minority opinion reported. We always have the other side that somebody will take, so that we can make sure that we see things from all perspectives. I think that’s an important Jewish outlook. I think that has a lot of amazing possibilities for bringing people together, for building bridges, and for compromise.

How does rising anti-Asian violence, including the murders in Georgia, impact your Jewish leadership? How have you talked about it with Jewish community?

As a congregation, we’ve made connections with亚裔美国人organizations. We’ve also reached out to Chinatown businesses and thought about how to be more supportive members of the greater San Francisco community. If we mark乔治弗洛伊德的死亡作为对戏剧种族不公正的认识,我认为这是一个人试图更开放的人,人们试图意识到,敏感和倾听。这一次是独一无二的:我们都以某种方式被大流行分解了。虽然人们想要考虑种族主义,但人们希望诚实和脆弱。一个希望,在这次大流行和种族估计的时候,人们有机会意识到最重要的是什么,以及我们将如何驳回世界上发生的事情到目前为止。


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