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Mayim Bialik’s Thanksgivukkah, in Pictures

Since the last night of Hanukkah was last night, today is technically the 8th day of Hanukkah. Here are my top 10 photos of my Hanukkah, including some highlights fromThanksgiving, which coincided with Hanukkah this year.

1. As Idiscussed here last week, my parents hosted Thanksgivukkah dinner. Here is the name card that was at my seat at the table. Note the Jewish star name card holder and the Thanksgiving and Hanukkah stickers adorning it. It should be noted that there were only six of us at dinner, but I think it’s kind of adorable that my mother insists on making name cards just the same.

2. Here is my mother’s perfect fusion of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah: a Hanukkah placemat with Thanksgiving paper plates and napkins.

3. Ditto.

4. Here’s the centerpiece I brought for Thanksgivukkah: an inflatable turkey with birthday candles taped on. I never said I was classy.

5. Here are the sofganiyot, which I supervised my ex making for Thanksgivukkah. Yes, that’s my icing handiwork.

6. More of my icing handiwork. Yes, that’s a hanukkiyah.

7. If you combine chocolate sauce with powdered sugar and add some rainbow sprinkles, you too can create the perfect donut.I tend to be a very humble person, but this is a perfect donut, if ever I’ve seen one.

8. Here’s what my dining room table looked like for all of Hanukkah. Thank you, Crate & Barrel, for making such lovely Hanukkah plates every year.

9. Here’s where we lit our hanukkiyah this year.The runner used to be twice as long, but a hanukkiyah mishap three years ago led to it being cut in half. Yes, that’s a Hanukkah troll.

10. Thank you, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, for introducing my sons to crossdressing.The “Kinky Boots” performance left them speechless.

I hope you saw miracles this year. There are more to be had, God willing!

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