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名义上的Midge Maisel (Rachel Brosnahan)是一个优雅的,犹太喜剧女演员(可能是也可能不是)非常糟糕的妈妈)。50年代的服装和诙谐的犹太笑话,不可思议的夫人。梅塞尔《if》在2017年首播时,就完全俘获了我们的心。

所以,为了给我们最好的展示,犹太人可以自豪地称自己为犹太人,我们收集了一些经典的犹太名字,很适合给你的新生儿取。L ' dor va ' dor -“一代又一代”——我说得对吗?



1.米利暗– Miriam is a Hebrew name for girls that means "rising water." Miriam Maisel — who goes by her cute nickname,Midge是一个新单身妈妈,她试图打破单口喜剧世界的玻璃天花板。

2.维尔— Vered is a Hebrew name for girls that means "rose." In the show,Rose Weissman (Marin Hinkle饰演)是Midge焦虑的母亲,经常向通灵者寻求建议的人。

3.杀伤力— Shoshana is a Hebrew name for girls that means "rose" or "lily." In the show,苏茜(英文名Shoshana - Meyerson,亚历克斯·博尔斯坦[Alex Borstein]饰)是米吉饰演的喜剧经理,性格粗暴。

4.塞尔达传说— Zelda is a Hebrew name for girls that means "happiness." Zelda (Matilda Szydagis) is Midge's live-in housemaid who practically raises her employer's两个年幼的孩子。

5.雪莉— Shirley is a non-Jewish name that was commonly used by Jews that means "bright meadow." Shirley Maisel (Caroline Aaron) is Midge's mother-in-law.


1.安倍亚伯拉罕是希伯来语中男孩的名字,意思是“众父”,亚伯拉罕是一个常见的昵称。Abe Weissman (Tony Shalhoub饰)是Midge严厉的父亲,哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)数学教授。

2.乔尔— Joel is a Hebrew name for boys that means "the lord is God." Joel Maisel (Michael Zegen) is Midge's estranged husband,他也梦想成为一名喜剧演员,但他抄袭了鲍勃纽哈特(Bob Newhart)的素材。

3.伊森— Ethan is a Hebrew name for boys that means "strong" or "enduring." Ethan (Nunzio and Matteo Pascale) is Midge's eldest son who rarely talks.

4.杰基— Jackie is a name for boys derived from the Hebrew name "Jacob," which means "to follow." In the show,杰基在煤气灯下扮演主持人,米吉表演单口喜剧的俱乐部。

5.Moishe— Moishe is a Hebrew name for boys that means "drawn out of water." In the show,莫耶梅塞尔(凯文波拉克),蚊的岳父,经营一家倒闭的服装制造厂。他不赞成他的儿子与“希克萨”(非犹太人)有染。

6.便雅悯— Benjamin is a Hebrew name for boys that means "son of right hand." Benjamin Ettenberg (Zachary Levi) is one of the newest characters to join第2季。这里没有剧透,但你要知道他是一个令人怦然心动的医生。

7.诺亚— Noah is a unisex Hebrew name that means "comfort." Noah Weissman (Will Brill) is Midge's brother and husband to his newly converted wife,阿斯特丽德。

8.哈利— Harry is a popular non Jewish name used by Jews that means "army ruler." Harry Drake (David Paymer) is a successful comedy manager in the series.

9.迈克尔— Michael is a Hebrew name for boys that means "who is like God." After getting arrested for the second time in a week,Midge雇佣了Michael Kessler (Max Casella饰)作为她的律师。

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