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我们可以在2020年说什么 - 除了我们只是如此解脱这种糟糕的一年差不多?

Looking back on this year like none other, it began so simply here at Kveller. We coveredBaby Archie, we wrote about the New York City march againstantisemitism, we got excited about the planned朋友团聚并出土的一些Jewish factsabout the beloved series.

但很快就足够了,我们的世界和我们的生活完全改变了......好吧,你知道。随着我们所有人都习惯了我们的新现实,留在家里Alllll的时间(或尽可能的时间),团队Kveller一直和你在大流行的育儿,家庭中学和缩放的沟通中的每一步。苹果beplay一起,我们笑了模仿视频,我们交换了育儿提示Kveller Moms Facebook Group, and we shared summer survival strategies during our live series,Camp Kveller

We’re so proud of all we’ve accomplished, together, over this unprecedented and difficult year. As we prepare to kick 2020 to the curb once and for all — woohoo! — we’re taking a look back at the stories that resonated most deeply with our community of Jewish (and Jew-ish) families. From heartfelt TV recommendations to incredible moments of Jewish pride, here’s a breakdown of the Kveller articles that helped us get through the Covid-19 pandemic.


道路,wayback in March, when we were all just getting used to our new roles as homeschool teachers,这个以色列妈妈对远程学习的需求非常令人生畏,reallytouched a nerve. Ten months later — with many of us仍然监督我们的孩子从家里的教育 - 她的高分分贝倾向仍然坚持:她所说的一切都很有趣,因为它是如此,所以true.

2。这个‘Fiddler on the Roof’ Coronavirus Parody Is a Delight

就像花生酱和犹太人和幽默jelly — it’s an iconic pairing that just works. Humor is also a classic Jewish coping mechanism, so it’s no wonder that, by the early spring, brilliant Jewish minds on the internet released a host of song parodies that made us laugh until tears dampened mask-covered cheeks. There were many clever ones — like this Bette Midler parody, “保持距离“ - 但卑鄙者苹果beplay的最爱是这辉煌的Fiddler on the Roof由崇高才华横溢的Abby Goldfarb进行模仿,“Maskmaker,Maskmaker”。


虽然我们哦 - 所以耐心地等待任何关于每个人最喜欢的以色列秀的第三季的任何消息,Shtisel, a new Netflix show about Haredi Orthodox Jews stole our hearts:Unorthodox,一个迷你赛马特Shtisel“Shira Haas,基于Deborah Feldman的回忆录同名。这个yiddish., feminist talewas the meaty, Jewish drama that so many of us craved — and yet, at only four episodes, we were left wanting more. Fortunately, Kveller’s very own Israeli TV expertLiorzaltzmanprovided an essential list of movies and shows that helped so many of us scratch thatUnorthodox痒,让我们通过孤独的春天娱乐。

4.yiddish.words to get through quarantine

“当我在遇到麻烦时发现自己的时候,mamaloshen.comes to me…” OK, that’s not quite how the classic Beatles tune “Let It Be” begins — but it’s a sentiment that’s very true in the Kveller community! FromTsedrayte(混淆,困惑)到sekhel(良好的判断)这件作品由Joyce Eisenberg和Ellen Scolnic,也被称为Mavens这个词,带来了许多我们需要的许多人Yiddish Joy., and it helped us expand our vocabularies a bit, too.

5.Shtisel’ Season 3: Everything We Know So Far

最后,在6月份,作为抗议的国家,我们收到了一些非常好消息的确认:尽管大流行,Shtisel最后期待的第三季终于进入了生产。从那时起,我们让你告诉你每一个Shtiseldevelopmentalong the way: Fast forward six months and season threejust首先in Israel on December 20, with international distribution expected in early spring 2021. As if we needed another reason to get excited for a new year!

6.这个男孩的'Avinu Malkeinu'的令人难以置信的演讲是病毒的。我们谈到了他的妈妈

9月,一位6岁男孩吹灭的心脏搅动的视频,这是一个巨大的赎罪日诗歌“avinu malkeinu”的巨型版本乘以互联网。这是谁是这个可爱的孩子,这个令人难以置信的声音?(几乎立即,虚假的谣言开始循环,这个男孩是篮球运动员Amar'e Stoudemire的儿子,最近皈依犹太教

7.遇见Joe Biden的犹太家庭

Yes, our outgoing president, Donald Trump, has a Jewish daughter (Ivanka converted to Judaism before marrying fellow presidential adviser Jared Kushner). Most people know, too, that incoming vice-president Kamala Harris is married to a Jewish man, Douglas Emhoff (his kids call Harris“Momala,”a delightfully Yiddish-y amalgam of “mom” and “Kamala”). But very few people realized that our President-elect, Joe Biden, might have the most Jewish family of all: All three of his kids married into Jewish families! We dug deep into the newest branches of the Biden family tree and “introduced” you to his Jewish grandkids — and lots of kvelling ensued.

8.Hamilton’ Star Daveed Diggs Has a New Hanukkah Song and It’s a Miracle

这是犹太快乐的意想不到的时刻!12月4日,迪士尼频道从犹太人发布了一个真正令人难以置信的光明节歌曲HamiltonMegastar Daveed Diggs - 它变得瞬间标志性。“老实说,这只是完美的光明节歌曲和完美的光明节视频 - 我不是在这里争论这个,这只是一个事实,”Liorzaltzman写道。“它有Klezmer, it has hip hop, it has a diverse cast of kids dancing up a storm, it’s funny AF (as fudge! Keeping it PG here), and it’s about小狗。“Hanukkah 2020现在可能在后视镜中,但我们中的许多人仍在重复上播放这一比普。

9。Kamala and Doug’s Hanukkah Message Will Fill Your Heart With Joy

在Hanukkah的第一晚,通过传入的第二个绅士在线发布的视频(第二个家伙?)Doug Emhoff点亮了互联网,完全融化了我们的心。在这绝对迷人的光明节问候,Emhoff和他的妻子VP-Elect Kamala Harris,讨论为什么假期对他们很重要 - 正如哈里斯所说,光明节就是“将光线带到黑暗的地方” - 而点燃了梅拉一起。

As Kveller’s Lior Zaltzman writes: “It’s a small moment, but for a Jewish person in America — an America where antisemitism and white supremacyare on the rise— it is extremely powerful. To see this couple, who will soon be in the White House (or, more precisely, the Naval Observatory), carry on this Jewish tradition — not as a gesture of friendship or allyship with Jewish people, but because it is a historical part of their blended Jewish family and home — is deeply meaningful and groundbreaking.”


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