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It was the 532nd night of quarantine, or so it seemed.

一个家庭骑自行车后,淋浴所有,两个集Superstore— insert eye-roll here — and无尽的小吃,孩子终于睡着了一夜。因此,它终于myturn to grab the remote, and my husband and I settled in to watch the last few episodes of the fourth season of one of our favorite shows, the HBO series高维护

如果你不熟悉这个梦幻般的表演,高维护是网络系列出身的HBO命中由以前结婚的夫妇本·辛克莱尔和凯哈·布利克费尔德创建。这是一系列后续一位不愿透露姓名松散连接的小插曲大麻经销商, played by Sinclair — known simply as “The Guy” — in his travels and travails across New York City. This season has taken a remarkable artistic turn, with many of the episodes turning cinematic in scope, and they’ve really upgraded the diversity of cast members and perspectives throughout this 10-episode season.

最后一集 - 这正确的首演在此之前pandemic Passover— was about Hanukkah. (Sinclair is Jewish IRL and so is his character.) My colleague, Molly Tolsky, wrote aboutthe episode如此美妙,但我没看过她的时候一块,因为我不希望任何剧透。(现在我警告你,如果你想避免剧透,终止阅读!)之间在家上学and work and hours at the computer jockeying for an Instacart delivery slot, I knew we’d watch it… eventually.

This past weekend, we finally did. I won’t go into all the details here, but the touching and super-Jewish episode — which is ultimately about精神健康“破碎”和自我接纳——有一个结束incredible reveal: The Guy and his niece, Ilana, say farewell to each other at the airport. As Ilana boards her flight, she says, “Bye, Uncle Rufus!”


“鲁弗斯?!?”我的枢纽和我同时惊呼。莫非实际上是那家伙的名字?对我来说,他似乎每有点“普通人”犹太家伙 - 一个玩笑也许,也许亚当。


或者有没有?有史以来最勇敢的记者,我马上就到网上找出来。像任何优秀的犹太新闻记者 - 还有,呃,任何提交的新纳粹,如果我们诚实 - 我用Google搜索“鲁弗斯”和“犹太人”。而且,看哪,这是我学到了什么,礼貌犹太虚拟图书馆

“在医学上的名称已保存RUFUS撒玛利亚(约100 CE值),最早的犹太医生和作家。最近的研究表明,鲁弗斯是第一个犹太人写评论希腊希波克拉底上的作品。据德国学者百福,撒玛利亚鲁弗斯是一个教训和富裕的犹太医生谁从撒玛利亚移民到罗马。这可能是他改变了原来的Hebrew name由于其在声音相似的拉丁名鲁弗斯rofe,希伯来语意为医生“。

Rufus was the name of an ancient Jewish physician??!?!? My mind just about exploded again: for当然这不是偶然的。毕竟,盖伊 - 鲁弗斯!- 而绝对不是医生,肯定是一个治疗。他带来了他的悠闲,积极的共鸣,只是每个人他遇到,和cannabis, as we all know, has countless医疗应用, including pain relief, reducing nausea, and reducing the symptoms of certain mental health conditions.

令人难以置信的是 - 有人会认为这种bashert- 有古代以色列人当中大麻的品牌新的证据。近日,在以色列内盖夫沙漠2700年的老庙电话阿拉德工作的考古学家发现了什么是可能的证据祭祀用药物。“杂草痕迹”是关于在寺庙一个坛中发现,根据Haaretz在研究报告, published in May inTel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University。“大麻素物质可能被烧到故意弄崇拜者高,对药物的精神活性化合物,研究人员得出结论。”

那么,在这一点上,无论是仍然连接到我的头大脑位碎成一万件。也许在鲁弗斯犹太医生even partook in these cannabis-based rituals, or maybe he prescribed them to his patients? (OK, yes, Rufus wasn’t necessarily alive or anywhere这个特殊的古遗址,但这种可能性肯定是有趣的思考,特别是如果你喜欢有点大麻了。)

碰巧的,除了古代的医生,还有另一个备受瞩目的犹太人使用的名称:作家和历史学家鲁弗斯Learsi,谁可能是最适合他令人惊讶的全面书知A History of the Jewish People— a 726-page book published in 1949 that, according to theNew York Times,涵盖“从亚伯拉罕的朝圣从迦勒底建立以色列国4000多年” - 和The Jews in America: A History, published in 1954.

鲁弗斯Learsi竟是以色列戈德堡的笔名 - “Learsi”是“以色列”的倒拼,而且据称他选择了“鲁弗斯”因为这个名字的拉丁语,意思:红发。(Rufus the author was, in fact, a ginger — notably, Sinclair, who plays The Guy, is not.)

那么什么是外卖从此,除了证明我有一些严重的时间狂看这个节目后杀?我可以点三个重要结论:cannabisis an incredible plant,高维护是一个真正出色的系列,并从现在起,我们要考虑鲁弗斯一个决定性的犹太名字。


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