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Every year on July 11, 7-11 offers free Slurpees. And every year, I take my kids to get some. This year, since we were staying in布莱顿海滩每年的收购需要我13岁、8岁和5岁的孩子在正午的酷暑中各走半个小时,穿过一条高速公路地下通道,穿过一个模模糊糊的街区——然后回来,所有这些都是为了一杯免费的碎冰、糖和水。

It was at this point it occurred to me that my lifelong, complicated relationship with可能需要重新评估一下。

Because it’s not just free Slurpees that make me do crazy things. I also have marked on my calendar National Free Doughnut Day, Ben & Jerry’s Free Scoop Day, and Haagen-Dazs’s, too. I know every free movie screening in New York City, the best public library theater, art and science programs for kids, which museums are truly pay what you wish (MET) and which ones will pretend they don’t know what you’re talking about (MoMA).

But, that’s not all. At one point a few years ago, I looked at my youngest child and realized the only item she was currently wearing that could honestly be said to belong to her was her diaper. Everything else, from coat to shirt to pants to shoes to socks, was a hand-me-down. (And, keep in mind, she’s the little sister of two brothers.) I hunt thrift shops and Salvation Army stores for bargains–for the kids, that is. For myself, I have literally not bought a new item of clothing or shoes since 2007. (In fact, my oldest son and I share a pair of winter boots–which I got free when I worked the 1998Olympics–因为我们目前的尺寸相同。)

In lieu of a hair stylist, I have my mother take a pair of kitchen shears to my bangs every few months.晚餐这取决于那一周有什么东西打折,我把剩菜打包给孩子们吃午饭。如果午餐和他们一起去学校,我会把塑料袋洗干净,然后再使用。而这些袋子本身也已经是重复使用的面包包装纸了。我们也知道从重新利用酸奶容器中饮用。

We dilute one bottle of dishwashing liquid into several. I rip paper napkins in half to make them last longer. We use toilet paper instead of tissues for runny noses. My youngest kidstake baths together和then the rest of us just add more hot water for our turns.

We don’t own a car (and if it’s less than 40 blocks away, we walk to save subway fare) or have cable or a video-gaming system. All the buttons have fallen off our one TV, and it now can only be turned on by remote control–which is bound together with masking tape and the numbers have been rubbed off to the point where I had to redraw them with White-Out. I have been led to believe that I am the last person in America without acell phone.

It has also been suggested that this might be a problem.

I have taken the suggestion under consideration. (Especially post the 7-11 incident.)



Or maybe it’s because, when my family first came to the United States, we didn’t have a small amount of money, or a minimal amount of money,我们没有钱. And I am terrified of ever going back to that place again.



Or maybe it’s because I’m a mean mommy who doesn’t want her kids to have any fun.

We live in New York City. That means that, between学校寺庙和other extra-curricular activities, my sons and daughter have friends who have their own rooms (mine share), who live in pent-houses and private mansions, who have chauffeurs–and jets.


I do worry if I’ve gone too far on occasions like earlier this summer, when, after receiving a Disney gift card for covering an event, I took my kids to their store in Times Square and told them they could pick anything they wanted.



我知道比分。任何事情过多,甚至节俭,都可能是坏事。它会导致神经症和困扰,接下来你会意识到,你会被从旧报纸下面挖出来,看一集非常特别的电影Hoarders. (I don’t save newspapers. Because I don’t buy them. I do get the free ones. After reading, they can be used for a variety of art projects, including make-shift paint brushes!)


“Some are,” I tell my kids. “Some aren’t.” And then we talk about why, historically, those libels were started in the first place.

Am I passing on my twisted relationship with money to them? I have absolutely no doubt that I am.


All I can cling to is the hope that everything will work out, based on what my 8-year-old told me after he finished reading鲁滨逊漂流记.

“You know, Mommy, I was thinking: Robinson Crusoe didn’t have everything he wanted on his island. But, he had everything he needed. So it was okay.”

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